

Polar has a powerful blog and newsletter engine called "Newsletters".

Newsletters can be published on your site on Polar ( and sent via emails to all of your subscribers. As an example, checkout Polars page on Polar.



The editor is fully built on Markdown with some custom extensions.


Custom extensions


Use the Paywall element to make content available only to your paid subscribers. Non-subscribers and free subscribers will instead see a placeholder notifying them about that the content is only avaialble to paid subscribers.

Content behind the paywall that's only available to
subscribers of a paid tier with the "Premium newsletters"

<SubscribeNow />

The SubscribeNow element inserts a button in the content to non-subscribers reminding them that they should subscribe to you on Polar. The button is hidden for existing subscribers.

<SubscribeNow />

Publishing & Settings


Newsletters have multiple settings available:


  • All Subscribers – The post will be public on the internet for everyone to see
  • Paid Subscrivers - The post will only be visible for your paid subscribers


Check "Send post as email to subscribers" to also send the post as a newsletter via email to your subscribers. If used together with the Audience setting, the post can be restricted to be only sent to your paid subscribers.